Wildlife Control in Kokomo, IN

As your trusted wildlife control in Kokomo, IN, you can expect top-quality services from our Wildlife Warrior technicians all year round. We’ve been in the industry for quite a long while to know that wild animals don’t take a day off, which is why we are ready to assist the moment you give us a call.

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Your Trustworthy Wildlife Removal and Wildlife Exclusion in Kokomo, IN

As Indy locals ourselves, we have a fine understanding of how native nuisance animals think and behave in our areas. We have a good grasp on their habitats, their markings, and how they would most likely react in a variety of situations. Having dealt with these animals for many years, we also know the negative impact they have on homes, offices, shops, restaurants, and other types of property that people frequent.

If our track record in the industry tells us anything, it’s that wildlife can come around any time. It won’t matter what day of the week, time of day, or season we’re in – it’s the possibility of getting access to shelter, food, and water that entices them. These three factors are everpresent on any property unless you hire wildlife control experts to set up exclusion tactics that can successfully keep them out. Due to this, we recommend our clients take advantage of our barrier strategies after removal services. 

We also ensure that any physical damage the critters may have caused on your buildings is accounted for. We can repair and seal up potential entry points, and also advise you should there be more thorough renovations needed to keep your area structurally sound. Let’s partner to keep your space safe again, call us today!

Expert Kokomo Wildlife Control At Your Service. Contact Our Friendly Team Today!

Types Of Wildlife We Remove in Kokomo, IN

Kokomo is home to many types of wildlife, including mammals, reptiles, marsupials, birds, and rodents. Many species can make their way into urban areas in search of food or a place to nest. Our staff at Wildlife Warrior is highly trained, experienced, and ready to assist you will all kinds of animals using our custom action plans and targeted solutions. 

Bat Removal

It’s rare for bats to attack humans, but it isn’t impossible. They are the most common rabid animals in all of Indiana, which is why getting bitten isn’t something you want to risk. With local wildlife control, we can remove bats found on your property and guarantee they don’t find their way in again.

Bird Exclusion

Birds are not known to be aggressive towards humans, but they can disturb our peace in many other ways. Without seeking proper bird removal services, you may find damaged walls, clogged pipes, and overflowing gutters. Getting sick via contaminated surfaces or parasite transmission is also possible. 

Muskrat and Groundhog Removal

The trouble these rodents cause often is subtle and silent, but as soon as issues start to build up, the damages can be substantial and expensive. Only by professional wildlife control for indoor and outdoor can you put an end to the tactics of these burrowing critters.

Opossum Removal

Opossums are solo strikers who prefer to feed, forage, and seek shelter alone. However, they do make an awful lot of mess going through trash bins, damaging insulation, messing up your electrical wires, and chewing through wood. Call for professional opossum removal now!

Raccoon Removal

Raccoons need no introduction. They are infamous for their haphazard ways of finding food in garbage dumps and gardens. While generally not aggressive, they can bite or scratch when you get too close to comfort, spreading rabies and other diseases along the way. Protect yourself with raccoon removal services.

Squirrel Removal

Squirrels are quick, energetic, strategic, and athletic. They can be challenging to remove and exclude on your own. Without the help of a wildlife removal company, removing squirrels from your property will be a challenge that could stretch far longer than you’d hope.

Skunk Removal

It’s a little-known fact that skunks are burrowing animals. We often see them on treetops or rummaging through trash, but they also love to dig holes in lawns looking for their next meal. Keep your soil intact and your home’s foundation durable with expert skunk removal! 

What Wildlife Warrior Has To Offer That Sets Us Apart From Other Companies

As local wildlife control experts, we have special intel on the kinds of animals that walk our areas. Indiana natives also have a special place in our hearts, seeing as we share the same home and love for the community. Hire a company with a mission to keep their city safe, hire Wildlife Warrior.

Offers Removal and Exclusion

We are an all-around company. From removal to repairs and exclusions, we’ve got you covered.

Customized Solutions

We don’t just pounce without plans, we ensure tactical strategies and targeted removal each time.

Experienced Team

When you hire us, you’re getting an ally with the skills and know-how to keep you safe.

Our Wildlife Removal Process

  • 1

    Step 1: Wildlife Identification

    It’s important that we take the time to properly identify the kind of animal we’re dealing with. This narrows down what removal methods are most efficient.

  • 2

    Step 2: Strategy Creation

    With a species identified, we can tweak our strategy based on their specific habits, behaviors, and diet. This guarantees a 100% success rate when we deploy our team.

  • 3

    Step 3: Removal, Exclusion, & Repairs

    Our team starts to set up the necessary procedures to properly remove, repair, and exclude traces of wildlife in and around your area.

We Remove Wildlife Six Days A Week – Let’s Protect Your Property Today!

About Kokomo, Indiana

There are countless communities across Indiana that deserve massive recognition, but Kokomo is something else. It was dubbed the Indiana’s “Community of the Year” in 2011 by the Indiana Chamber of Commerce. It was also ranked on national standards as a great space for advanced manufacturing and affordable living. It is a thriving economic environment, making the quality of life for everyone living there one for the books.

Apart from being in touch with a wide variety of industries, what sets Kokomo apart from the rest is how easy it can be for the average member of the community to be innovative and present with the rest of the town. Everyone is given access and resources to fully make use of what Kokomo has to offer, including an abundance of recreational activities for the young and young at heart.

These activities include events held in well-protected natural spaces. Because Kokomo has a lot of greenery, wildlife also benefits from the community’s efforts to preserve these areas. For this reason, readily available services such as wildlife control in Kokomo, IN are one of the most important resources that locals have access to.


No, many types of wildlife are not naturally aggressive towards humans. They often only go into defense or attack mode when coming into contact with people if they feel threatened. This can mean they are trying to protect their offspring, territory, food source, or themselves.

No, not all wild animals have rabies. Some wildlife like birds, snakes, and lizards rarely, if ever, contract rabies. Other animals that usually don’t carry the virus are rabbits, squirrels, and surprisingly, rats. However, critters that usually transmit rabies are raccoons, bats, and skunks, among others. 

First, make sure that you slowly step away from the area before the skunk decides to get more aggressive. Next, if your eyes were hit, flush them with cool water right away. You’ll also want to mix a solution of baking soda, soap, and hydrogen peroxide, then bathe yourself with it to neutralize the smell. If you notice any irritation, seek medical help.

Setting High Standards for Quality

We are committed to provide a safe, friendly wildlife removal services to our customers. It is not only our goal to safely remove the animals needed but to inform customers on how to prevent a return in the future. Our team of professional technicians are highly trained and certified to help you with all your wildlife removal needs.